CONCORDIA vs LAVAL (Sep, 24,2017)


Scoring Summary

Scoring Summary (Final)

CONCORDIA (2-2) vs. LAVAL (3-1)

Date: Sep, 24,2017 • Site: QUEBEC, QC  • Stadium: STADE TELUS,U.LAVAL  •  Attendance: 12957

Score by Quarters  Score 
CONCORDIA   0  5  0  3  8 
LAVAL   9  0  3  0  12 

1st  01:50  LAV   Team safety 
           0 - 2 
  06:15  LAV   Simon Gingras-G 5 yd pass from Hugo Richard (David Cote kick) 
         3 plays, 25 yards, TOP 0:59  0 - 9 
2nd  03:51  CONC   Team safety 
           2 - 9 
  09:14  CONC   Andrew Stevens 28 yd field goal 
         11 plays, 54 yards, TOP 5:23  5 - 9 
3rd  03:51  LAV   David Cote 11 yd field goal 
         9 plays, 76 yards, TOP 3:45  5 - 12 
4th  10:42  CONC   Andrew Stevens 20 yd field goal 
         5 plays, 22 yards, TOP 1:48  8 - 12 

Kickoff time: 13:12  • End of Game: 16:14  • Total elapsed time: 3:02
Referee: WALTER BERRY  •  Umpire: RENALD DULAC  •  Linesman: L. DUBREUIL  •  Line judge: CHARLES LAMPRON •  Back judge: KEVIN RIOPEL  •  Field judge: ERIC GASCON  •  Side judge: BRENT YOUNG  •  Scorer: ESTHER TURGEON  • 
Temperature: 26 C  • Wind: 15KPH SW • Weather: SUNNY


Team Statistics

Team Statistics (Final)

 Team Totals  CONC  LAV 
FIRST DOWNS  24  15 
   Passing  13  10 
   Rushing Attempts  34  21 
   Average Per Rush  6.2  5.0 
   Rushing Touchdowns 
   Yards Gained Rushing  210  113 
   Yards Lost Rushing 
   Completions-Attempts-Int  17-34-3  20-27-0 
   Average Per Attempt  7.3  8.0 
   Average Per Completion  14.6  10.8 
   Passing Touchdowns 
TEAM LOSSES  -21  -27 
   Total offense plays  70  52 
   Average Gain Per Play  6.3  5.6 
Fumbles: Number-Lost  1-0  1-1 
Penalties: Number-Yards  11-70  11-95 
PUNTS-YARDS  8-364  11-457 
   Average Yards Per Punt  45.5  41.5 
   Net Yards Per Punt  39.6  35.4 
   Inside 20 
   50+ Yards 
   Fair catch 
KICKOFFS-YARDS  1-59  2-130 
   Average Yards Per Kickoff  59.0  65.0 
   Net Yards Per Kickoff  34.0  47.0 
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD  7-68-0  5-47-0 
   Average Per Return  9.7  9.4 
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD  2-36-0  1-25-0 
   Average Per Return  18.0  25.0 
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD  0-0-0  3-56-0 
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
Possession Time  35:18  24:42 
   1st Quarter  10:42  4:18 
   2nd Quarter  9:48  5:12 
   3rd Quarter  6:18  8:42 
   4th Quarter  8:30  6:30 
Third-Down Conversions  0 of 1  0 of 1 
Red-Zone Scores-Chances  1-4  2-2 
   Touchdowns  0-4  1-2 
   Field goals  1-4  1-2 
Sacks By: Number-Yards  4-22  2-11 
PAT Kicks  0-0  1-1 
Field Goals  2-3  1-2 


Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics (Final)

RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Jean-Guy Rimpel  19  102  102  17  5.4 
Glody Musangu   11  56  56  16  5.1 
Trenton Miller   52  52  24  13.0 
Totals...  34  210  210  24  6.2 
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Hugo Richard   41  41  17  8.2 
V Alarie-Tardif  41  39  11  4.3 
Christop. Amoah  31  25  13  3.6 
Totals...  21  113  105  17  5.0 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Trenton Miller   9-19-1  120  23 
Adam Vance   8-15-2  129  28 
Totals...  17-34-3  249  28 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Hugo Richard   20-27-0  215  30 
Totals...  20-27-0  215  30 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Jarryd Taylor   85  23 
V. Alessandrini  69  24 
James Tyrrell   78  28 
Yanic Lessard   17  17 
Totals...  17  249  28 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
J Breton Robert  84  26 
Alex. Savard   15 
Benoit Gagnon-B  35  20 
Tyrone Pierre   16 
Luca Perrier  
Antony Dufour   30  30 
Etienne Moisan   21  21 
Simon Gingras-G 
Totals...  20  215  30 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
Stephen Fabian   364  45.5  72 
Totals...  364  45.5  72 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
Dom. Levesque   11  457  41.5  49 
Totals...  11  457  41.5  49 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Qwintyn Rice   68  21  23  23 
Q. Gordon-Maule  13  13 
Totals...  68  21  36  23 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Antony Dufour   47  14  25  25 
Kevin McGee   56  56 
Adam Auclair  
Totals...  47  14  25  25  56  56 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
Jean-Guy Rimpel  102  102 
Qwintyn Rice   23  68  91 
Jarryd Taylor   85  85 
James Tyrrell   78  78 
V. Alessandrini  69  69 
Glody Musangu   56  56 
Trenton Miller   52  52 
Yanic Lessard   17  17 
Q. Gordon-Maule  13  13 
Totals...  210  249  36  68  563 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
Antony Dufour   30  25  47  102 
J Breton Robert  84  84 
Kevin McGee   56  56 
Hugo Richard   41  41 
V Alarie-Tardif  39  39 
Benoit Gagnon-B  35  35 
Christop. Amoah  25  25 
Etienne Moisan   21  21 
Tyrone Pierre   16  16 
Alex. Savard   15  15 
Luca Perrier  
Simon Gingras-G 
Totals...  105  215  25  47  56  448 
Andrew Stevens  1st  00:10  13 yards  Missed 
Andrew Stevens  2nd  05:46  28 yards  Good 
Andrew Stevens  4th  04:18  20 yards  Good 
David Cote  3rd  11:09  11 yards  Good 
David Cote  4th  13:03  42 yards  Returned 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
Andrew Stevens   59  59.0 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
David Cote   130  65.0 
FUMBLES: CONCORDIA-V. Alessandrini 1-0. LAVAL-Luca Perrier 1-1.


Drive Chart

Drive Chart (Final)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
CONC   1st  C16  15:00  Kickoff  C00  13:10  SAFETY  3--16  1:50    
CONC   1st  C22  11:14  Punt  C52  09:44     Interception  4-30  1:30    
CONC   1st  C20  08:39  Kickoff  C33  06:52     Punt  3-13  1:47    
CONC   1st  C41  05:39  Punt  L06  00:10     Missed FG  12-63  5:29 
CONC   2nd  C52  14:16  Punt  L53  12:34     Punt  2-5  1:42    
CONC   2nd  C35  11:09  Possession  L21  05:46  FIELD GOAL  11-54  5:23    
CONC   2nd  C27  04:17  Punt  C42  02:30     Punt  3-15  1:47    
CONC   2nd  C28  02:07  Punt  C28  01:27     Punt  2-0  0:40    
CONC   2nd  C02  00:16  Punt  C23  00:00     End of half  2-21  0:16    
CONC   3rd  C35  11:09  Possession  C37  09:45     Punt  2-2  1:24    
CONC   3rd  C39  08:25  Punt  L16  05:07     Interception  6-55  3:18 
CONC   3rd  C36  02:43  Punt  C43  01:07     Punt  2-7  1:36    
CONC   4th  C10  13:03  Missed FG  C30  11:35     Punt  3-20  1:28    
CONC   4th  C13  10:01  Punt  C54  07:01     Punt  4-41  3:00    
CONC   4th  L35  06:06  Fumble  L13  04:18  FIELD GOAL  5-22  1:48 
CONC   4th  C35  03:08  Punt  C39  02:38     Interception  2-4  0:30    
CONC   4th  C08  01:44  Punt  L10  00:00     End of half  10-92  1:44 
LAV   1st  L35  13:10  Possession  L45  11:14     Punt  4-10  1:56    
LAV   1st  C25  09:44  Interception  C00  08:45  TOUCHDOWN  3-25  0:59 
LAV   1st  L36  06:52  Punt  L39  05:39     Punt  2-3  1:13    
LAV   1st  L20  00:10  Missed FG  L27  14:16     Punt  2-7  0:54    
LAV   2nd  L16  12:34  Punt  L00  11:09  SAFETY  3--16  1:25    
LAV   2nd  L35  05:46  Possession  L42  04:17     Punt  2-7  1:29    
LAV   2nd  L37  02:30  Punt  L37  02:07     Punt  2-0  0:23    
LAV   2nd  L21  01:27  Punt  C43  00:16     Punt  6-46  1:11    
LAV   3rd  L31  14:54  Kickoff  C03  11:09  FIELD GOAL  9-76  3:45 
LAV   3rd  L32  09:45  Punt  L27  08:25     Punt  2--5  1:20    
LAV   3rd  L12  05:07  Interception  L40  02:43     Punt  5-28  2:24    
LAV   3rd  L10  01:07  Punt  C35  13:03     Missed FG  7-65  3:04    
LAV   4th  L45  11:35  Punt  L47  10:01     Punt  2-2  1:34    
LAV   4th  L27  07:01  Punt  L35  06:06     Fumble  2-8  0:55    
LAV   4th  L35  04:18  Possession  L43  03:08     Punt  2-8  1:10    
LAV   4th  C46  02:38  Interception  C42  01:44     Punt  2-4  0:54    

   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
CONCORDIA   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   10:42   09:48   06:18   08:30      20:30   14:48      35:18  
3rd Down Conversions   0/1   0/0   0/0   0/0      0/1   0/0      0/1  
Average field position  C24   C28   C36   C28      C27   C31      C29  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   0/0   0/0   0/0      0/0   0/0      0/0  
   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
LAVAL   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   04:18   05:12   08:42   06:30      09:30   15:12      24:42  
3rd Down Conversions   0/0   0/1   0/0   0/0      0/1   0/0      0/1  
Average field position  L44   L27   L21   L42      L35   L32      L33  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   0/0   0/0   0/0      0/0   0/0      0/0  

Drive Chart (By Quarter)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
CONC   1st  C16  15:00  Kickoff  C00  13:10  SAFETY  3--16  1:50    
LAV   1st  L35  13:10  Possession  L45  11:14     Punt  4-10  1:56    
CONC   1st  C22  11:14  Punt  C52  09:44     Interception  4-30  1:30    
LAV   1st  C25  09:44  Interception  C00  08:45  TOUCHDOWN  3-25  0:59 
CONC   1st  C20  08:39  Kickoff  C33  06:52     Punt  3-13  1:47    
LAV   1st  L36  06:52  Punt  L39  05:39     Punt  2-3  1:13    
CONC   1st  C41  05:39  Punt  L06  00:10     Missed FG  12-63  5:29 
LAV   1st  L20  00:10  Missed FG  L27  14:16     Punt  2-7  0:54    
CONC   2nd  C52  14:16  Punt  L53  12:34     Punt  2-5  1:42    
LAV   2nd  L16  12:34  Punt  L00  11:09  SAFETY  3--16  1:25    
CONC   2nd  C35  11:09  Possession  L21  05:46  FIELD GOAL  11-54  5:23    
LAV   2nd  L35  05:46  Possession  L42  04:17     Punt  2-7  1:29    
CONC   2nd  C27  04:17  Punt  C42  02:30     Punt  3-15  1:47    
LAV   2nd  L37  02:30  Punt  L37  02:07     Punt  2-0  0:23    
CONC   2nd  C28  02:07  Punt  C28  01:27     Punt  2-0  0:40    
LAV   2nd  L21  01:27  Punt  C43  00:16     Punt  6-46  1:11    
CONC   2nd  C02  00:16  Punt  C23  00:00     End of half  2-21  0:16    
LAV   3rd  L31  14:54  Kickoff  C03  11:09  FIELD GOAL  9-76  3:45 
CONC   3rd  C35  11:09  Possession  C37  09:45     Punt  2-2  1:24    
LAV   3rd  L32  09:45  Punt  L27  08:25     Punt  2--5  1:20    
CONC   3rd  C39  08:25  Punt  L16  05:07     Interception  6-55  3:18 
LAV   3rd  L12  05:07  Interception  L40  02:43     Punt  5-28  2:24    
CONC   3rd  C36  02:43  Punt  C43  01:07     Punt  2-7  1:36    
LAV   3rd  L10  01:07  Punt  C35  13:03     Missed FG  7-65  3:04    
CONC   4th  C10  13:03  Missed FG  C30  11:35     Punt  3-20  1:28    
LAV   4th  L45  11:35  Punt  L47  10:01     Punt  2-2  1:34    
CONC   4th  C13  10:01  Punt  C54  07:01     Punt  4-41  3:00    
LAV   4th  L27  07:01  Punt  L35  06:06     Fumble  2-8  0:55    
CONC   4th  L35  06:06  Fumble  L13  04:18  FIELD GOAL  5-22  1:48 
LAV   4th  L35  04:18  Possession  L43  03:08     Punt  2-8  1:10    
CONC   4th  C35  03:08  Punt  C39  02:38     Interception  2-4  0:30    
LAV   4th  C46  02:38  Interception  C42  01:44     Punt  2-4  0:54    
CONC   4th  C08  01:44  Punt  L10  00:00     End of half  10-92  1:44 


Defensive Statistics

Defensive Statistics (Final)

##  CONCORDIA   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
29  Mickael Cote   8.5  .   .   .   .  
27  Alex Renaud   4.5  .   .   .   .  
23  Michael Asibuo   4.0  .   .   .   .  
5   Khadeem Pierre   4.0  1.0/1   .   .   .  
90  Lukas Redguard   3.5  2.0/16   .   .   1.0/10  
31  Alex. Dadaille   3.5  .   .   .   .  
18  Sam. Brodrique   3.5  1.0/7   1-0   .   1.0/7  
95  Michael Sanelli  3.5  1.0/1   .   .   1.0/1  
99  Robert Haines   3.0  1.5/4   .   .   0.5/2  
6   Jizreel Botat   2.0  .   .   .   .  
10  Jersey Henry   2.0  .   .   .   .  
9   Quaid Johnson   1.5  .   .   .   .  
2   Wade Leeroy Cyr  1.5  0.5/2   .   .   0.5/2  
51  Freeman Maitrel  0.5  .   .   .   .  
3   Vincent Seguin   0.5  .   .   .   .  
TM  Team   .   .   .   .   .  
##  LAVAL   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
53  Dan. Tshiamala   9.5  .   .   .   .  
24  Kevin McGee   6.5  .   .   1-56  .  
21  Kean Harelimana  5.0  .   .   .   .  
92  V. Desjardins   5.0  1.0/4   .   .   1.0/4  
2   Adam Auclair   4.5  .   .   2-0   .  
36  Gabriel Ouellet  4.5  .   .   .   .  
45  Edward Godin   3.5  1.0/7   .   .   1.0/7  
28  Dan Basambombo   3.0  .   .   .   .  
29  Nicolas Viens   2.5  .   .   .   .  
31  Carl Achy   2.0  .   .   .   .  
46  Vinc. Levesque   2.0  .   .   .   .  
17  Laurent Rondeau  1.5  .   .   .   .  
18  Frederic Gagnon  1.5  .   .   .   .  
9   Mathieu Betts   1.5  .   .   .   .  
39  Benj. Garand-G.  1.0  .   .   .   .  
65  Samuel Lefebvre  1.0  .   .   .   .  
88  Marco Dubois   1.0  .   .   .   .  
99  Sam. Maranda-B.  0.5  .   .   .   .  
TM  Team   .   .   .   .   .  
10  Francis Chabot   .   .   .   .   .  


Participation Report

Participation Report (Final)

CONCORDIA: 1-Jean-Guy Rimpel, 2-Wade Leeroy Cyr, 3-Vincent Seguin, 4-Adam Vance, 5-Khadeem Pierre, 6-Jizreel Botat, 7-James Tyrrell, 8-Yanic Lessard, 9-Quaid Johnson, 10-Jersey Henry, 12-Stephen Fabian, 13-Trenton Miller, 14-Colin Sequeira, 15-Jarryd Taylor, 17-Qwintyn Rice, 18-Sam. Brodrique, 20-Glody Musangu, 21-Zamaad Gambari, 23-Michael Asibuo, 27-Alex Renaud, 29-Mickael Cote, 30-Widler Exilus, 31-Alex. Dadaille, 32-Chris Petel, 34-Q. Gordon-Maule, 38-Zach Gaudreault, 42-John Boachie, 43-Jordan Chin, 44-J-Seb. Tetrault, 51-Freeman Maitrel, 52-Brandon Pacheco, 54-Marc-A. Sevigny, 55-Thiery Taillon, 58-Jerome Bedard-G, 60-Reuben Brien-A., 63-Noah Dominigue, 69-Jordan Hurley, 71-M. Halbgewachs, 78-Maurice Simba, 79-Andrew Stevens, 80-James Ohayon, 82-V. Alessandrini, 83-Alex. Morgan-Z., 86-Sam Nadon, 88-Kyle Greenbaum, 90-Lukas Redguard, 95-Michael Sanelli, 99-Robert Haines.

LAVAL: 1-Chadrick Henry, 2-Adam Auclair, 3-Luca Perrier, 4-Hugo Richard, 5-V Alarie-Tardif, 7-M-A. Bellefroid, 8-Samuel Chenard, 9-Mathieu Betts, 10-Francis Chabot, 11-Benoit Gagnon-B, 12-Chr. Dallaire, 14-David Cote, 15-Marc-Ol. Simard, 17-Laurent Rondeau, 18-Frederic Gagnon, 19-Zack Fitzgerald, 20-Christop. Amoah, 21-Kean Harelimana, 22-Antony Dufour, 23-L Poirier-Viens, 24-Kevin McGee, 25-Dom. Levesque, 28-Dan Basambombo, 29-Nicolas Viens, 31-Carl Achy, 35-Jacob Veilleux, 36-Gabriel Ouellet, 39-Benj. Garand-G., 44-Ch. Gagne, 45-Edward Godin, 46-Vinc. Levesque, 50-P-Karl Lanctot, 53-Dan. Tshiamala, 60-Nic. Thibodeau, 63-Nicolas Guay, 64-Louis-G Beaudet, 65-Samuel Lefebvre, 67-Ketel Asse, 76-Sam. Thomassin, 80-Tyrone Pierre, 83-Simon Gingras-G, 84-Etienne Moisan, 85-Alex. Savard, 87-J Breton Robert, 88-Marco Dubois, 90-Alex. Gagnon, 92-V. Desjardins, 98-Marc-A. Claveau, 99-Sam. Maranda-B..


Box Score

Box Score (Final)

Score by Quarters     1  2  3  4   Score
-----------------    -- -- -- --   -----
CONCORDIA...........  0  5  0  3  -  8       Record: (2-2)
LAVAL...............  9  0  3  0  - 12       Record: (3-1)

Scoring Summary:
1st 01:50 LAV - Team safety, , CONC 0 - LAV 2
    06:15 LAV - Simon Gingras-G 5 yd pass from Hugo Richard (David Cote kick), 3-25 0:59, CONC 0 - LAV 9
2nd 03:51 CONC - Team safety, , CONC 2 - LAV 9
    09:14 CONC - Andrew Stevens 28 yd field goal, 11-54 5:23, CONC 5 - LAV 9
3rd 03:51 LAV - David Cote 11 yd field goal, 9-76 3:45, CONC 5 - LAV 12
4th 10:42 CONC - Andrew Stevens 20 yd field goal, 5-22 1:48, CONC 8 - LAV 12

                                   CONC      LAV
FIRST DOWNS...................       24       15
RUSHES-YARDS (NET)............   34-210   21-105
PASSING YDS (NET).............      249      215
Passes Att-Comp-Int...........  34-17-3  27-20-0
Team Losses...................      -21      -27
TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS.....   70-438   52-293
Fumble Returns-Yards..........      0-0      0-0
Punt Returns-Yards............     7-68     5-47
Kickoff Returns-Yards.........     2-36     1-25
Interception Returns-Yards....      0-0     3-56
Punts (Number-Avg)............   8-45.5  11-41.5
Fumbles-Lost..................      1-0      1-1
Penalties-Yards...............    11-70    11-95
Possession Time...............    35:18    24:42
Third-Down Conversions........   0 of 1   0 of 1
Red-Zone Scores-Chances.......      1-4      2-2
Sacks By: Number-Yards........     4-22     2-11

RUSHING: CONCORDIA-Jean-Guy Rimpel 19-102; Glody Musangu 11-56; Trenton
Miller 4-52. LAVAL-Hugo Richard 5-41; V Alarie-Tardif 9-39; Christop. Amoah

PASSING: CONCORDIA-Trenton Miller 9-19-1-120; Adam Vance 8-15-2-129.
LAVAL-Hugo Richard 20-27-0-215.

RECEIVING: CONCORDIA-Jarryd Taylor 7-85; V. Alessandrini 5-69; James
Tyrrell 4-78; Yanic Lessard 1-17. LAVAL-J Breton Robert 8-84; Alex. Savard 3-15;
Benoit Gagnon-B 2-35; Tyrone Pierre 2-16; Luca Perrier 2-9; Antony Dufour 1-30;
Etienne Moisan 1-21; Simon Gingras-G 1-5.

INTERCEPTIONS: CONCORDIA-None. LAVAL-Adam Auclair 2-0; Kevin McGee 1-56.

FUMBLES: CONCORDIA-V. Alessandrini 1-0. LAVAL-Luca Perrier 1-1.

Stadium: STADE TELUS,U.LAVAL   Attendance: 12957
Kickoff time: 13:12     End of Game: 16:14     Total elapsed time: 3:02
Officials: Referee: WALTER BERRY; Umpire: RENALD DULAC; Linesman: L. DUBREUIL;
Line judge: CHARLES LAMPRON; Back judge: KEVIN RIOPEL; Field judge: ERIC GASCON;
Temperature: 26 C      Wind: 15KPH SW  Weather: SUNNY

CONCORDIA vs #2 LAVAL (Sep, 24,2017 at QUEBEC, QC) SACKS (UA-A): CONCORDIA-Robert Haines 0-1; Michael Sanelli 1-0; Lukas Redguard 1-0; Wade Leeroy Cyr 0-1; Sam. Brodrique 1-0. LAVAL-Edward Godin 1-0; V. Desjardins 1-0. TACKLES (UA-A): CONCORDIA-Mickael Cote 6-5; Alex Renaud 4-1; Khadeem Pierre 4-0; Michael Asibuo 4-0; Alex. Dadaille 3-1; Lukas Redguard 3-1; Sam. Brodrique 2-3; Michael Sanelli 2-3; Robert Haines 2-2; Jersey Henry 2-0; Jizreel Botat 2-0; Quaid Johnson 1-1; Wade Leeroy Cyr 0-3; Freeman Maitrel 0-1; Vincent Seguin 0-1. LAVAL-Dan. Tshiamala 6-7; Kevin McGee 6-1; Kean Harelimana 4-2; V. Desjardins 3-4; Adam Auclair 3-3; Gabriel Ouellet 3-3; Edward Godin 2-3; Dan Basambombo 2-2; Nicolas Viens 2-1; Vinc. Levesque 2-0; Carl Achy 2-0; Laurent Rondeau 1-1; Frederic Gagnon 1-1; Mathieu Betts 0-3; Marco Dubois 1-0; Benj. Garand-G. 1-0; Samuel Lefebvre 1-0; Sam. Maranda-B. 0-1. Player participation: CONCORDIA: 1-Jean-Guy Rimpel, 2-Wade Leeroy Cyr, 3-Vincent Seguin, 4-Adam Vance, 5-Khadeem Pierre, 6-Jizreel Botat, 7-James Tyrrell, 8-Yanic Lessard, 9-Quaid Johnson, 10-Jersey Henry, 12-Stephen Fabian, 13-Trenton Miller, 14-Colin Sequeira, 15-Jarryd Taylor, 17-Qwintyn Rice, 18-Sam. Brodrique, 20-Glody Musangu, 21-Zamaad Gambari, 23-Michael Asibuo, 27-Alex Renaud, 29-Mickael Cote, 30-Widler Exilus, 31-Alex. Dadaille, 32-Chris Petel, 34-Q. Gordon-Maule, 38-Zach Gaudreault, 42-John Boachie, 43-Jordan Chin, 44-J-Seb. Tetrault, 51-Freeman Maitrel, 52-Brandon Pacheco, 54-Marc-A. Sevigny, 55-Thiery Taillon, 58-Jerome Bedard-G, 60-Reuben Brien-A., 63-Noah Dominigue, 69-Jordan Hurley, 71-M. Halbgewachs, 78-Maurice Simba, 79-Andrew Stevens, 80-James Ohayon, 82-V. Alessandrini, 83-Alex. Morgan-Z., 86-Sam Nadon, 88-Kyle Greenbaum, 90-Lukas Redguard, 95-Michael Sanelli, 99-Robert Haines. LAVAL: 1-Chadrick Henry, 2-Adam Auclair, 3-Luca Perrier, 4-Hugo Richard, 5-V Alarie-Tardif, 7-M-A. Bellefroid, 8-Samuel Chenard, 9-Mathieu Betts, 10-Francis Chabot, 11-Benoit Gagnon-B, 12-Chr. Dallaire, 14-David Cote, 15-Marc-Ol. Simard, 17-Laurent Rondeau, 18-Frederic Gagnon, 19-Zack Fitzgerald, 20-Christop. Amoah, 21-Kean Harelimana, 22-Antony Dufour, 23-L Poirier-Viens, 24-Kevin McGee, 25-Dom. Levesque, 28-Dan Basambombo, 29-Nicolas Viens, 31-Carl Achy, 35-Jacob Veilleux, 36-Gabriel Ouellet, 39-Benj. Garand-G., 44-Ch. Gagne, 45-Edward Godin, 46-Vinc. Levesque, 50-P-Karl Lanctot, 53-Dan. Tshiamala, 60-Nic. Thibodeau, 63-Nicolas Guay, 64-Louis-G Beaudet, 65-Samuel Lefebvre, 67-Ketel Asse, 76-Sam. Thomassin, 80-Tyrone Pierre, 83-Simon Gingras-G, 84-Etienne Moisan, 85-Alex. Savard, 87-J Breton Robert, 88-Marco Dubois, 90-Alex. Gagnon, 92-V. Desjardins, 98-Marc-A. Claveau, 99-Sam. Maranda-B..


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary

1st Quarter

Conc 1-10at Conc45LAV ball on LAV45.
David Cote kickoff 62 yards to the CONC3, Q. Gordon-Maule return 13 yards to the CONC16 (Vinc. Levesque).
Conc 1-10at Conc16Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 3 yards to the CONC19 (Adam Auclair).
Conc 2-7at Conc19PENALTY CONC illegal procedure 5 yards to the CONC14.
Conc 2-12at Conc14Trenton Miller sacked for loss of 4 yards to the CONC10 (V. Desjardins).
Conc 3-16at Conc10Team rush for loss of 10 yards to the CONC0, Team safety, clock 13:10.
Conc 1-Gat Conc35Change of possession, LAV ball on LAV35, 1st and 10.
Drive: 3 plays, minus 16 yards, TOP 01:50
Lav 1-10at Lav35LAVAL drive start at 13:10.
Lav 1-10at Lav35Hugo Richard pass complete to J Breton Robert for no gain to the LAV35, out-of-bounds (Alex. Dadaille).
Lav 2-10at Lav35Hugo Richard pass complete to J Breton Robert for 11 yards to the LAV46, 1ST DOWN LAV (Mickael Cote).
Lav 1-10at Lav46Hugo Richard sacked for loss of 1 yard to the LAV45 (Michael Sanelli).
Lav 2-11at Lav45Hugo Richard pass incomplete to V Alarie-Tardif.
Lav 3-11at Lav45Dom. Levesque punt 38 yards to the CONC27, PENALTY LAV no yards 5 yards to the CONC32, 1st and 10, PENALTY CONC holding 10 yards to the CONC22, 1st and 10, CONC ball on CONC22.
Drive: 4 plays, 10 yards, TOP 01:56
Conc 1-10at Conc22CONCORDIA drive start at 11:14.
Conc 1-10at Conc22Trenton Miller pass incomplete to V. Alessandrini.
Conc 2-10at Conc22Trenton Miller pass complete to Jarryd Taylor for 12 yards to the CONC34, 1ST DOWN CONC (Frederic Gagnon).
Conc 1-10at Conc34Trenton Miller pass complete to James Tyrrell for 18 yards to the CONC52, 1ST DOWN CONC (Gabriel Ouellet).
Conc 1-10at Conc52Trenton Miller pass intercepted by Kevin McGee at the LAV39, Kevin McGee return 56 yards to the CONC15, PENALTY LAV holding 10 yards to the CONC25, 1st and 10, LAV ball on CONC25.
Drive: 4 plays, 30 yards, TOP 01:30
Lav 1-10at Conc25LAVAL drive start at 09:44.
Lav 1-10at Conc25Hugo Richard pass complete to Luca Perrier for 9 yards to the CONC16, out-of-bounds (Michael Asibuo).
Lav 2-1at Conc16Hugo Richard pass complete to J Breton Robert for 11 yards to the CONC5, 1ST DOWN LAV (Alex Renaud).
Lav 1-Gat Conc05Hugo Richard pass complete to Simon Gingras-G for 5 yards to the CONC0, 1ST DOWN LAV, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:45, David Cote kick attempt good.
Drive: 3 plays, 25 yards, TOP 01:05
David Cote kickoff 68 yards to the CONC-3, Qwintyn Rice return 23 yards to the CONC20 (Vinc. Levesque).
Conc 1-10at Conc20CONCORDIA drive start at 08:39.
Conc 1-10at Conc20Trenton Miller pass complete to Jarryd Taylor for 23 yards to the CONC43, 1ST DOWN CONC (Adam Auclair;Gabriel Ouellet).
Conc 1-10at Conc43Trenton Miller pass incomplete to Jarryd Taylor, PENALTY CONC pass interference 15 yards to the CONC28, NO PLAY.
Conc 1-25at Conc28Trenton Miller pass complete to Jarryd Taylor for 5 yards to the CONC33 (Nicolas Viens).
Conc 2-20at Conc33Trenton Miller pass incomplete to V. Alessandrini.
Conc 3-20at Conc33Stephen Fabian punt 50 yards to the LAV27, Antony Dufour return 9 yards to the LAV36 (Jizreel Botat).
Drive: 3 plays, 13 yards, TOP 01:47
Lav 1-10at Lav36LAVAL drive start at 06:52.
Lav 1-10at Lav36Hugo Richard rush for 3 yards to the LAV39 (Sam. Brodrique;Lukas Redguard).
Lav 2-7at Lav39Hugo Richard pass incomplete to Alex. Savard (Khadeem Pierre).
Lav 3-7at Lav39Dom. Levesque punt 39 yards to the CONC32, Qwintyn Rice return 9 yards to the CONC41 (Dan Basambombo).
Drive: 2 plays, 3 yards, TOP 01:13
Conc 1-10at Conc41CONCORDIA drive start at 05:39.
Conc 1-10at Conc41Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 7 yards to the CONC48 (Gabriel Ouellet;V. Desjardins).
Conc 2-3at Conc48Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 5 yards to the CONC53, 1ST DOWN CONC (Dan. Tshiamala).
Conc 1-10at Conc53Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 4 yards to the LAV53 (Dan. Tshiamala;Kean Harelimana).
Conc 2-6at Lav53Trenton Miller pass complete to V. Alessandrini for 10 yards to the LAV43, 1ST DOWN CONC (Adam Auclair).
Conc 1-10at Lav43Trenton Miller pass complete to Jarryd Taylor for 9 yards to the LAV34, out-of-bounds.
Conc 2-1at Lav34Trenton Miller pass incomplete (Kean Harelimana).
Conc 3-1at Lav34Trenton Miller rush for no gain to the LAV34 (Dan. Tshiamala), PENALTY LAV offside defense 5 yards to the LAV29, 1ST DOWN CONC, NO PLAY.
Conc 1-10at Lav29Trenton Miller pass incomplete to Jarryd Taylor (Francis Chabot).
Conc 2-10at Lav29PENALTY CONC offside 5 yards to the LAV34.
Conc 2-15at Lav34Trenton Miller rush for 22 yards to the LAV12, 1ST DOWN CONC.
Conc 1-10at Lav12Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 6 yards to the LAV6 (Dan. Tshiamala).
Conc 2-4at Lav06Trenton Miller pass incomplete to Yanic Lessard.
Conc 3-4at Lav06Andrew Stevens field goal attempt from 13 MISSED - hit left upright, spot at LAV20, clock 00:10.
Drive: 12 plays, 63 yards, TOP 05:29
Lav 1-10at Lav20LAVAL drive start at 00:10.
Lav 1-10at Lav20V Alarie-Tardif rush for 9 yards to the LAV29 (Mickael Cote).
Drive: 1 plays, 9 yards, TOP 00:54
2nd Quarter

Lav 2-1at Lav29Start of 2nd quarter, clock 15:00.
Lav 2-1at Lav29V Alarie-Tardif rush for loss of 2 yards to the LAV27 (Robert Haines).
Lav 3-3at Lav27Dom. Levesque punt 42 yards to the CONC41, Qwintyn Rice return 11 yards to the CONC52 (Adam Auclair).
Drive: 2 plays, 7 yards, TOP 00:54
Conc 1-10at Conc52CONCORDIA drive start at 14:16.
Conc 1-10at Conc52Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 3 yards to the 55 yardline (Edward Godin;Kean Harelimana).
Conc 2-7at Conc55Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 2 yards to the LAV53 (Sam. Maranda-B.;V. Desjardins).
Conc 3-5at Lav53Stephen Fabian punt 46 yards to the LAV7, Antony Dufour return 9 yards to the LAV16 (Mickael Cote).
Drive: 2 plays, 5 yards, TOP 01:42
Lav 1-10at Lav16LAVAL drive start at 12:34.
Lav 1-10at Lav16Hugo Richard pass complete to Alex. Savard for loss of 1 yard to the LAV15 (Khadeem Pierre).
Lav 2-11at Lav15Hugo Richard sacked for loss of 10 yards to the LAV5 (Lukas Redguard).
Lav 3-21at Lav05Team rush for loss of 5 yards to the LAV0, Team safety, clock 11:09.
Lav 1-Gat Lav35Change of possession, CONC ball on CONC35, 1st and 10.
Drive: 3 plays, minus 16 yards, TOP 01:25
Conc 1-10at Conc35CONCORDIA drive start at 11:09.
Conc 1-10at Conc35Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for no gain to the CONC35 (Nicolas Viens), PENALTY LAV offside defense 5 yards to the CONC40, NO PLAY.
Conc 1-5at Conc40Glody Musangu rush for 3 yards to the CONC43 (Dan. Tshiamala).
Conc 2-2at Conc43Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 5 yards to the CONC48, 1ST DOWN CONC (Nicolas Viens).
Conc 1-10at Conc48Trenton Miller pass incomplete to V. Alessandrini, dropped pass.
Conc 2-10at Conc48Trenton Miller pass incomplete to Glody Musangu, PENALTY LAV illegal contact on an eligible receiver 10 yards to the LAV52, 1ST DOWN CONC, NO PLAY.
Conc 1-10at Lav52Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 2 yards to the LAV50 (Dan. Tshiamala;Edward Godin).
Conc 2-8at Lav50Trenton Miller pass complete to Jarryd Taylor for 9 yards to the LAV41, 1ST DOWN CONC.
Conc 1-10at Lav41Timeout CONCORDIA, clock 07:28.
Conc 1-10at Lav41Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 2 yards to the LAV39 (Kean Harelimana), PENALTY CONC offside declined.
Conc 2-8at Lav39Trenton Miller pass complete to V. Alessandrini for 17 yards to the LAV22, 1ST DOWN CONC (Kevin McGee).
Conc 1-10at Lav22Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 1 yard to the LAV21 (Mathieu Betts;Adam Auclair).
Conc 2-9at Lav21Trenton Miller pass incomplete to Yanic Lessard.
Conc 3-9at Lav21Timeout CONCORDIA, clock 05:50.
Conc 3-9at Lav21Andrew Stevens field goal attempt from 28 GOOD, clock 05:46.
Conc 1-Gat Conc45Change of possession, LAV ball on LAV35, 1st and 10.
Drive: 11 plays, 54 yards, TOP 05:23
Lav 1-10at Lav35LAVAL drive start at 05:46.
Lav 1-10at Lav35Hugo Richard pass complete to Etienne Moisan for 15 yards to the LAV50 (Quaid Johnson;Khadeem Pierre), PENALTY LAV holding 10 yards to the LAV25, NO PLAY.
Lav 1-20at Lav25Hugo Richard pass incomplete to Etienne Moisan.
Lav 2-20at Lav25Hugo Richard rush for 17 yards to the LAV42, out-of-bounds (Alex. Dadaille).
Lav 3-3at Lav42Dom. Levesque punt 48 yards to the CONC20, Qwintyn Rice return 7 yards to the CONC27 (Marco Dubois).
Drive: 2 plays, 7 yards, TOP 01:29
Conc 1-10at Conc27CONCORDIA drive start at 04:17.
Conc 1-10at Conc27Glody Musangu rush for 10 yards to the CONC37, 1ST DOWN CONC (Dan. Tshiamala).
Conc 1-10at Conc37Glody Musangu rush for 5 yards to the CONC42 (Dan. Tshiamala;Adam Auclair).
Conc 2-5at Conc42Trenton Miller pass incomplete to Jarryd Taylor.
Conc 3-5at Conc42Stephen Fabian punt 45 yards to the LAV23, Antony Dufour return 14 yards to the LAV37, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 3 plays, 15 yards, TOP 01:47
Lav 1-10at Lav37LAVAL drive start at 02:30.
Lav 1-10at Lav37Hugo Richard pass incomplete to J Breton Robert, dropped pass.
Lav 2-10at Lav37Hugo Richard pass incomplete to J Breton Robert.
Lav 3-10at Lav37Dom. Levesque punt 40 yards to the CONC33, Qwintyn Rice return 10 yards to the CONC43 (Carl Achy), PENALTY CONC unnecessary roughness 15 yards to the CONC28, 1st and 10, CONC ball on CONC28.
Drive: 2 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:23
Conc 1-10at Conc28CONCORDIA drive start at 02:07.
Conc 1-10at Conc28Glody Musangu rush for no gain to the CONC28 (Dan Basambombo;Edward Godin).
Conc 2-10at Conc28Trenton Miller pass incomplete to Yanic Lessard.
Conc 3-10at Conc28Stephen Fabian punt 72 yards to the LAV10, Antony Dufour return 11 yards to the LAV21, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 2 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:40
Lav 1-10at Lav21LAVAL drive start at 01:27.
Lav 1-10at Lav21V Alarie-Tardif rush for 11 yards to the LAV32, 1ST DOWN LAV (Lukas Redguard).
Lav 1-10at Lav32V Alarie-Tardif rush for 9 yards to the LAV41 (Mickael Cote;Sam. Brodrique).
Lav 2-1at Lav41Hugo Richard rush for 3 yards to the LAV44, 1ST DOWN LAV (Jersey Henry).
Lav 1-10at Lav44Timeout LAVAL, clock 00:53.
Lav 1-10at Lav44Hugo Richard pass complete to Benoit Gagnon-B for 15 yards to the CONC51, 1ST DOWN LAV, out-of-bounds.
Lav 1-10at Conc51Clock 00:45.
Lav 1-10at Conc51Hugo Richard pass incomplete to Etienne Moisan (Jersey Henry).
Lav 2-10at Conc51Hugo Richard pass complete to Alex. Savard for 8 yards to the CONC43 (Mickael Cote).
Lav 3-2at Conc43Timeout LAVAL, clock 00:22.
Lav 3-2at Conc43Dom. Levesque punt 41 yards to the CONC2, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 6 plays, 46 yards, TOP 01:11
Conc 1-10at Conc02CONCORDIA drive start at 00:16.
Conc 1-10at Conc02Glody Musangu rush for 16 yards to the CONC18, 1ST DOWN CONC (Dan Basambombo).
Conc 1-10at Conc18Glody Musangu rush for 5 yards to the CONC23 (Edward Godin).
Conc 2-5at Conc23End of half, clock 00:00.
Drive: 2 plays, 21 yards, TOP 00:16
3rd Quarter

Conc 2-5at Conc23Start of 3rd quarter, clock 15:00, CONC ball on CONC45.
Drive: 2 plays, 21 yards, TOP 00:16
Andrew Stevens kickoff 59 yards to the LAV6, Antony Dufour return 25 yards to the LAV31 (Vincent Seguin;Freeman Maitrel).
Lav 1-10at Lav31LAVAL drive start at 14:54.
Lav 1-10at Lav31Hugo Richard pass complete to Tyrone Pierre for 8 yards to the LAV39 (Michael Asibuo).
Lav 2-2at Lav39V Alarie-Tardif rush for 6 yards to the LAV45, 1ST DOWN LAV (Mickael Cote;Michael Sanelli).
Lav 1-10at Lav45Hugo Richard pass complete to J Breton Robert for 14 yards to the CONC51, 1ST DOWN LAV (Khadeem Pierre).
Lav 1-10at Conc51Hugo Richard pass complete to J Breton Robert for 26 yards to the CONC25, 1ST DOWN LAV (Alex Renaud), PENALTY CONC illegal contact on an eligible receiver declined.
Lav 1-10at Conc25V Alarie-Tardif rush for no gain to the CONC25 (Alex Renaud).
Lav 2-10at Conc25Hugo Richard pass complete to Benoit Gagnon-B for 20 yards to the CONC5, 1ST DOWN LAV (Quaid Johnson;Alex. Dadaille).
Lav 1-Gat Conc05Hugo Richard sacked for loss of 4 yards to the CONC9 (Wade Leeroy Cyr;Robert Haines).
Lav 2-Gat Conc09Hugo Richard rush for 6 yards to the CONC3 (Wade Leeroy Cyr;Mickael Cote).
Lav 3-Gat Conc03David Cote field goal attempt from 11 GOOD, clock 11:09.
Lav 1-Gat Lav45Change of possession, CONC ball on CONC35, 1st and 10.
Drive: 9 plays, 76 yards, TOP 03:45
Conc 1-10at Conc35CONCORDIA drive start at 11:09.
Conc 1-10at Conc35Glody Musangu rush for no gain to the CONC35 (Mathieu Betts;V. Desjardins).
Conc 2-10at Conc35Trenton Miller rush for 2 yards to the CONC37.
Conc 3-8at Conc37Stephen Fabian punt 41 yards to the LAV32, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 2 plays, 2 yards, TOP 01:24
Lav 1-10at Lav32LAVAL drive start at 09:45.
Lav 1-10at Lav32Christop. Amoah rush for 2 yards to the LAV34 (Mickael Cote).
Lav 2-8at Lav34Hugo Richard sacked for loss of 7 yards to the LAV27 (Sam. Brodrique).
Lav 3-15at Lav27Dom. Levesque punt 49 yards to the CONC34, PENALTY LAV no yards 5 yards to the CONC39, 1st and 10, CONC ball on CONC39.
Drive: 2 plays, minus 5 yards, TOP 01:20
Conc 1-10at Conc39CONCORDIA drive start at 08:25.
Conc 1-10at Conc39Glody Musangu rush for 4 yards to the CONC43 (V. Desjardins;Dan. Tshiamala).
Conc 2-6at Conc43Trenton Miller pass complete to Yanic Lessard for 17 yards to the LAV50, 1ST DOWN CONC (Kevin McGee).
Conc 1-10at Lav50Trenton Miller rush for 4 yards to the LAV46 (Kevin McGee).
Conc 2-6at Lav46Trenton Miller rush for 24 yards to the LAV22, 1ST DOWN CONC (Gabriel Ouellet).
Conc 1-10at Lav22Colin Sequeira at QB for CONCORDIA.
Conc 1-10at Lav22Glody Musangu rush for 6 yards to the LAV16 (Kean Harelimana).
Conc 2-4at Lav16Adam Vance at QB for CONCORDIA.
Conc 2-4at Lav16Adam Vance pass intercepted by Adam Auclair at the LAV12, Adam Auclair return 0 yards to the LAV12.
Drive: 6 plays, 55 yards, TOP 03:18
Lav 1-10at Lav12LAVAL drive start at 05:07.
Lav 1-10at Lav12Christop. Amoah rush for 7 yards to the LAV19 (Mickael Cote;Alex Renaud).
Lav 2-3at Lav19Christop. Amoah rush for 5 yards to the LAV24, 1ST DOWN LAV (Mickael Cote).
Lav 1-10at Lav24Hugo Richard rush for 12 yards to the LAV36, 1ST DOWN LAV (Sam. Brodrique).
Lav 1-10at Lav36Hugo Richard pass complete to J Breton Robert for 4 yards to the LAV40 (Alex. Dadaille).
Lav 2-6at Lav40Hugo Richard pass incomplete to Etienne Moisan.
Lav 3-6at Lav40Dom. Levesque punt 45 yards to the CONC25, Qwintyn Rice return 11 yards to the CONC36 (Benj. Garand-G.).
Drive: 5 plays, 28 yards, TOP 02:24
Conc 1-10at Conc36CONCORDIA drive start at 02:43.
Conc 1-10at Conc36Trenton Miller at QB for CONCORDIA.
Conc 1-10at Conc36Glody Musangu rush for 5 yards to the CONC41 (V. Desjardins).
Conc 2-5at Conc41Glody Musangu rush for 2 yards to the CONC43 (V. Desjardins).
Conc 3-3at Conc43Stephen Fabian punt 42 yards to the LAV25, out-of-bounds, PENALTY LAV unnecessary roughness 15 yards to the LAV10, 1st and 10, LAV ball on LAV10.
Drive: 2 plays, 7 yards, TOP 01:36
Lav 1-10at Lav10LAVAL drive start at 01:07.
Lav 1-10at Lav10V Alarie-Tardif rush for 2 yards to the LAV12 (Robert Haines;Wade Leeroy Cyr).
Lav 2-8at Lav12Hugo Richard pass complete to Etienne Moisan for 21 yards to the LAV33, 1ST DOWN LAV (Jersey Henry).
Lav 1-10at Lav33Hugo Richard pass complete to J Breton Robert for 10 yards to the LAV43, 1ST DOWN LAV (Michael Asibuo).
Drive: 3 plays, 33 yards, TOP 04:32
4th Quarter

Lav 1-10at Lav43Start of 4th quarter, clock 15:00.
Lav 1-10at Lav43Hugo Richard pass complete to Antony Dufour for 30 yards to the CONC37, 1ST DOWN LAV (Jizreel Botat).
Lav 1-10at Conc37V Alarie-Tardif rush for 4 yards to the CONC33 (Michael Sanelli;Mickael Cote).
Lav 2-6at Conc33V Alarie-Tardif rush for 8 yards to the CONC25 (Mickael Cote), PENALTY LAV holding 10 yards to the CONC43, NO PLAY.
Lav 2-16at Conc43Hugo Richard pass complete to Alex. Savard for 8 yards to the CONC35, out-of-bounds (Khadeem Pierre).
Lav 3-8at Conc35Timeout CONCORDIA, clock 13:14.
Lav 3-8at Conc35David Cote field goal attempt from 42 MISSED, kick to CONC-17, clock 13:03, Qwintyn Rice return 21 yards to the CONC4 (Samuel Lefebvre), CONC ball on CONC10, PENALTY LAV unnecessary roughness 15 yards to the CONC25, 1st and 10, PENALTY CONC holding 10 yards to the CONC15, 1st and 10.
Drive: 7 plays, 65 yards, TOP 04:32
Conc 1-10at Conc15Adam Vance at QB for CONCORDIA.
Conc 1-10at Conc15Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 11 yards to the CONC26, 1ST DOWN CONC (Dan. Tshiamala).
Conc 1-10at Conc26Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 4 yards to the CONC30 (Gabriel Ouellet).
Conc 2-6at Conc30Adam Vance pass incomplete to Yanic Lessard.
Conc 3-6at Conc30Stephen Fabian punt 39 yards to the LAV41, Antony Dufour return 4 yards to the LAV45, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 3 plays, 20 yards, TOP 00:00
Lav 1-10at Lav45LAVAL drive start at 11:35.
Lav 1-10at Lav45PENALTY LAV illegal procedure 5 yards to the LAV40.
Lav 1-15at Lav40Christop. Amoah rush for 13 yards to the LAV53 (Quaid Johnson).
Lav 2-2at Lav53Christop. Amoah rush for loss of 6 yards to the LAV47 (Lukas Redguard).
Lav 3-8at Lav47Dom. Levesque punt 49 yards to the CONC14, Qwintyn Rice return -1 yards to the CONC13, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 2 plays, 2 yards, TOP 01:34
Conc 1-10at Conc13CONCORDIA drive start at 10:01.
Conc 1-10at Conc13Adam Vance pass complete to Yanic Lessard for 6 yards to the CONC19, PENALTY CONC offside 5 yards to the CONC8, NO PLAY.
Conc 1-15at Conc08Adam Vance pass complete to V. Alessandrini for 24 yards to the CONC32, fumble forced by Kevin McGee, fumble by V. Alessandrini recovered by CONC Team at CONC34, 1ST DOWN CONC, out-of-bounds.
Conc 1-10at Conc34Adam Vance pass complete to James Tyrrell for 28 yards to the LAV48, 1ST DOWN CONC (Kevin McGee).
Conc 1-10at Lav48Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 4 yards to the LAV44 (Kean Harelimana).
Conc 2-6at Lav44Adam Vance pass complete to Yanic Lessard for 21 yards to the LAV23 (Kevin McGee;Laurent Rondeau), PENALTY CONC offside 5 yards to the LAV49, NO PLAY.
Conc 2-11at Lav49Adam Vance sacked for loss of 7 yards to the CONC54 (Edward Godin).
Conc 3-18at Conc54Stephen Fabian punt 29 yards to the LAV27, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 4 plays, 41 yards, TOP 03:00
Lav 1-10at Lav27LAVAL drive start at 07:01.
Lav 1-10at Lav27Hugo Richard pass complete to Tyrone Pierre for 8 yards to the LAV35 (Alex Renaud).
Lav 2-2at Lav35Hugo Richard pass complete to Luca Perrier for no gain to the LAV35, fumble forced by Khadeem Pierre, fumble by Luca Perrier recovered by CONC Sam. Brodrique at LAV35.
Drive: 2 plays, 8 yards, TOP 00:55
Conc 1-10at Lav35CONCORDIA drive start at 06:06.
Conc 1-10at Lav35Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 7 yards to the LAV28 (Dan. Tshiamala).
Conc 2-3at Lav28Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 13 yards to the LAV15, 1ST DOWN CONC (Dan. Tshiamala;Kevin McGee).
Conc 1-10at Lav15Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 2 yards to the LAV13 (Dan. Tshiamala;Mathieu Betts).
Conc 2-8at Lav13Adam Vance pass incomplete to Jarryd Taylor.
Conc 3-8at Lav13Andrew Stevens field goal attempt from 20 GOOD, clock 04:18.
Conc 1-Gat Conc45Change of possession, LAV ball on LAV35, 1st and 10.
Drive: 5 plays, 22 yards, TOP 01:48
Lav 1-10at Lav35LAVAL drive start at 04:18.
Lav 1-10at Lav35Hugo Richard pass complete to J Breton Robert for 8 yards to the LAV43, out-of-bounds (Michael Asibuo).
Lav 2-2at Lav43V Alarie-Tardif rush for no gain to the LAV43 (Robert Haines).
Lav 3-2at Lav43Dom. Levesque punt 32 yards to the CONC35, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 2 plays, 8 yards, TOP 01:10
Conc 1-10at Conc35CONCORDIA drive start at 03:08.
Conc 1-10at Conc35Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 4 yards to the CONC39 (Nicolas Viens;Dan. Tshiamala).
Conc 2-6at Conc39Adam Vance pass intercepted by Adam Auclair at the CONC46, Adam Auclair return 0 yards to the CONC46.
Drive: 2 plays, 4 yards, TOP 00:30
Lav 1-10at Conc46LAVAL drive start at 02:38.
Lav 1-10at Conc46Christop. Amoah rush for 1 yard to the CONC45 (Michael Sanelli;Sam. Brodrique).
Lav 2-9at Conc45Christop. Amoah rush for 3 yards to the CONC42 (Michael Sanelli).
Lav 3-6at Conc42Dom. Levesque punt 34 yards to the CONC8, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 2 plays, 4 yards, TOP 00:54
Conc 1-10at Conc08CONCORDIA drive start at 01:44.
Conc 1-10at Conc08Adam Vance pass complete to V. Alessandrini for 4 yards to the CONC12 (Laurent Rondeau).
Conc 2-6at Conc12Clock 01:38.
Conc 2-6at Conc12Adam Vance pass complete to V. Alessandrini for 12 yards to the CONC24, 1ST DOWN CONC (Kean Harelimana).
Conc 1-10at Conc24Adam Vance pass complete to James Tyrrell for 9 yards to the CONC33 (Frederic Gagnon;Dan Basambombo).
Conc 2-1at Conc33Clock 01:08.
Conc 2-1at Conc33Jean-Guy Rimpel rush for 17 yards to the CONC50, 1ST DOWN CONC (Laurent Rondeau;Gabriel Ouellet).
Conc 1-10at Conc50Clock 00:52.
Conc 1-10at Conc50Adam Vance pass incomplete to Yanic Lessard (Laurent Rondeau).
Conc 2-10at Conc50Clock 00:40.
Conc 2-10at Conc50Adam Vance pass complete to Jarryd Taylor for 10 yards to the LAV50, 1ST DOWN CONC (Carl Achy).
Conc 1-10at Lav50Clock 00:34.
Conc 1-10at Lav50Adam Vance pass complete to Jarryd Taylor for 17 yards to the LAV33, 1ST DOWN CONC.
Conc 1-10at Lav33Clock 00:17.
Conc 1-10at Lav33Adam Vance pass complete to James Tyrrell for 23 yards to the LAV10, 1ST DOWN CONC (Kevin McGee).
Conc 1-Gat Lav10Clock 00:11.
Conc 1-Gat Lav10Adam Vance pass incomplete.
Conc 2-Gat Lav10Adam Vance pass incomplete, PENALTY CONC offside declined.
Conc 3-Gat Lav10End of game, clock 00:00.
Drive: 10 plays, 92 yards, TOP 01:44

Play Breakdown Summary

Play Breakdown Summary (Final)

CONCORDIA                              LAVAL

Down               RUN PASS  Total     Down               RUN PASS  Total

OVERALL..........   35   36     71     OVERALL..........   22   31     53
1ST DOWN.........   25   16     41     1ST DOWN.........   12   18     30
2ND DOWN-SHORT...    4    1      5     2ND DOWN-SHORT...    6    2      8
2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    2    8     10     2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    1      1
2ND DOWN-LONG....    3   11     14     2ND DOWN-LONG....    3   10     13
3RD DOWN-SHORT...    0    0      0     3RD DOWN-SHORT...    0    0      0
3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    0      0     3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    0      0
3RD DOWN-LONG....    1    0      1     3RD DOWN-LONG....    1    0      1
4TH DOWN.........    0    0      0     4TH DOWN.........    0    0      0

CONCORDIA                              LAVAL

Formation        RUN PASS  Total       Formation        RUN PASS  Total

...............   35   36     71       ...............   22   31     53

CONCORDIA (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (25 RUN, 16 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-10 L52 #1 2 [ ] 1-10 C20 #13 to #15 23 [ ] 1-10 L48 #1 4 [ ] 1-25 C28 #13 to #15 5 [ ] 1-10 L12 #1 6 [ ] 1-10 L50 #4 to #15 17 [ ] 1-10 L41 #1 2 [ ] 1-10 L29 #13 to #15 - [ ] 1-10 C15 #1 11 [ ] 1-10 L43 #13 to #15 9 [ ] 1-10 C26 #1 4 [ ] 1-10 C52 #13 to #24 INT [ ] 1-10 L22 #1 1 [ ] 1-10 C34 #4 to #7 28 [ ] 1-10 C35 #1 4 [ ] 1-10 L33 #4 to #7 23 [ ] 1-10 L15 #1 2 [ ] 1-10 C34 #13 to #7 18 [ ] 1-10 C16 #1 3 [ ] 1-10 C24 #4 to #7 9 [ ] 1-10 C41 #1 7 [ ] 1-10 C50 #4 to #8 - [ ] 1-10 C52 #1 3 [ ] 1-10 C48 #13 to #82 - [ ] 1-10 C53 #1 4 [ ] 1-10 C22 #13 to #82 - [ ] 1-10 L35 #1 7 [ ] 1-10 C08 #4 to #82 4 [ ] 1-10 L50 #13 4 [ ] 1-15 C08 #4 to #82 24 [ ] 1-10 C35 #20 0 [ ] 1-10 L10 #4 to # - [ ] 1-10 L22 #20 6 [ ] 1-5 C40 #20 3 [ ] 1-10 C02 #20 16 [ ] 1-10 C18 #20 5 [ ] 1-10 C37 #20 5 [ ] 1-10 C28 #20 0 [ ] 1-10 C36 #20 5 [ ] 1-10 C27 #20 10 [ ] 1-10 C39 #20 4 [ ] 2ND-SHORT RUN (4 RUN, 1 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-3 C48 #1 5 [ ] 2-1 L34 #13 to # - [ ] 2-2 C43 #1 5 [ ] 2-1 C33 #1 17 [ ] 2-3 L28 #1 13 [ ] 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (2 RUN, 8 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-6 L46 #13 24 [ ] 2-5 C42 #13 to #15 - [ ] 2-5 C41 #20 2 [ ] 2-4 L16 #4 to #2 INT [ ] 2-6 C39 #4 to #2 INT [ ] 2-6 C43 #13 to #8 17 [ ] 2-4 L06 #13 to #8 - [ ] 2-6 C30 #4 to #8 - [ ] 2-6 L53 #13 to #82 10 [ ] 2-6 C12 #4 to #82 12 [ ] 2ND-LONG RUN (3 RUN, 11 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-7 C55 #1 2 [ ] 2-8 L50 #13 to #15 9 [ ] 2-15 L34 #13 22 [ ] 2-8 L13 #4 to #15 - [ ] 2-10 C35 #13 2 [ ] 2-10 C22 #13 to #15 12 [ ] 2-10 C50 #4 to #15 10 [ ] 2-9 L21 #13 to #8 - [ ] 2-10 C28 #13 to #8 - [ ] 2-20 C33 #13 to #82 - [ ] 2-8 L39 #13 to #82 17 [ ] 2-11 L49 #4 to # SACK [ ] 2-12 C14 #13 to # SACK [ ] 2-10 L10 #4 to # - [ ] 3RD-SHORT RUN (0 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (0 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3RD-LONG RUN (1 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-16 C10 #TM -10 [ ] 4TH DOWN RUN (0 RUN, 0 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS
LAVAL (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (12 RUN, 18 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-15 L40 #20 13 [ ] 1-10 L44 #4 to #11 15 [ ] 1-10 L12 #20 7 [ ] 1-10 L43 #4 to #22 30 [ ] 1-10 C46 #20 1 [ ] 1-10 C25 #4 to #3 9 [ ] 1-10 L32 #20 2 [ ] 1-10 L27 #4 to #80 8 [ ] 1-10 L36 #4 3 [ ] 1-10 L31 #4 to #80 8 [ ] 1-10 L24 #4 12 [ ] 1-5 C05 #4 to #83 5 [ ] 1-10 C37 #5 4 [ ] 1-10 C51 #4 to #84 - [ ] 1-10 L10 #5 2 [ ] 1-20 L25 #4 to #84 - [ ] 1-10 C25 #5 0 [ ] 1-10 L16 #4 to #85 -1 [ ] 1-10 L20 #5 9 [ ] 1-10 L37 #4 to #87 - [ ] 1-10 L21 #5 11 [ ] 1-10 L45 #4 to #87 14 [ ] 1-10 L32 #5 9 [ ] 1-10 C51 #4 to #87 26 [ ] 1-10 L35 #4 to #87 0 [ ] 1-10 L35 #4 to #87 8 [ ] 1-10 L36 #4 to #87 4 [ ] 1-10 L33 #4 to #87 10 [ ] 1-10 L46 #4 to # SACK [ ] 1-5 C05 #4 to # SACK [ ] 2ND-SHORT RUN (6 RUN, 2 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-2 L53 #20 -6 [ ] 2-2 L35 #4 to #3 0 [ ] 2-3 L19 #20 5 [ ] 2-1 C16 #4 to #87 11 [ ] 2-1 L41 #4 3 [ ] 2-1 L29 #5 -2 [ ] 2-2 L43 #5 0 [ ] 2-2 L39 #5 6 [ ] 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (0 RUN, 1 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-6 L40 #4 to #84 - [ ] 2ND-LONG RUN (3 RUN, 10 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-9 C45 #20 3 [ ] 2-10 C25 #4 to #11 20 [ ] 2-9 C09 #4 6 [ ] 2-11 L45 #4 to #5 - [ ] 2-20 L25 #4 17 [ ] 2-8 L12 #4 to #84 21 [ ] 2-10 C51 #4 to #85 8 [ ] 2-16 C43 #4 to #85 8 [ ] 2-7 L39 #4 to #85 - [ ] 2-10 L37 #4 to #87 - [ ] 2-10 L35 #4 to #87 11 [ ] 2-8 L34 #4 to # SACK [ ] 2-11 L15 #4 to # SACK [ ] 3RD-SHORT RUN (0 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (0 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3RD-LONG RUN (1 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-21 L05 #TM -5 [ ] 4TH DOWN RUN (0 RUN, 0 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS